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Hunt Wild Game

Book with Northern Adventures for the Hunt of a Lifetime!!

Hunt the Quebec Labrador Caribou in North Quebec - the largest herd in the world with one million plus animals. All inclusive hunt package starts in Montreal with a commercial jet flight 1100 miles north to Fort Chimo.

Trip is 7 days total with 6 days in hunt camp. Full time cook, all food, guides, boats, motors, cost of license (2 caribou per hunter), electric generator, hot water showers and excellent camp location are just a few of the amenities offered in the package.

In previous years, 96% of hunters brought back two caribou each. The success rate is based on all types of hunting: archery, rifle and muzzleloader.

Hunts take place during August and September each year.

Come hunt with us!!

Other hunts available include: moose, bear, elk, antelope, deer, goose and duck.

For hunt packages and pricing information go to
Hunt Packages

96% of our hunters bring back two caribou!

Hunt Caribou in Canada with Northern Adventures!

Send mail to sligler@centurytel.net

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Check out this link for other outdoor related sites:

Caribou Antlers At Camp in Fort Chimo, Quebec

Camp at Fort Chimo